Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Something a little different

My grandparents believe I'm a jack of all trades, and it may be that way. A while back my grandfather hit a pole in a parking lot with his vehicle, he asked me if I could fix it one day while at his house. I'm actually pretty good with bodywork on cars, not sure why I've never had training on it and never taken any classes it just comes natural to me, which I dont mind at all because I love working on cars. 

The picture below you can clearly see where the bumper cover is messed up and lucky for me these new cars use ABS plastic for their bumper covers, a little heat and a rubber hammer and you can get any dent like this out of a ABS bumper cover. Once the dent is popped out the paint will still be messed up so time to prep everything for paint.

To prep the bumper I mixed some Dawn dish soap into a bucket with warm water to wash it down and get all oils and grime off of it, then I taped everything off that I didn't want over spray to get on. After it was all taped up it was time to put down a coat of primer, then it sat for a while so it could dry. After the primer was all done drying it was time for paint I sprayed a light top coat of GM paint match spray paint, usually I would get the actual car paint and use it in my touch up spray gun but I didn't have any of that with me at my grandfathers house. Once that coat was done I put another heavier coat of paint on it and when it dried I wet sanded 1000 grit sand paper all the way to 2500 grit sand paper to make sure it had a nice finish. Well this is the finished product, I think it turned out really nice.

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